Computer Vision And Machine Learning

October 2023
We are a team of researchers, led by Prof. Xianghua Xie at the Department of Computer Science in Swansea University, working on both low-level and high-level Computer Vision problems and their applications to Medicine, Biology, Engineering, Finance and so on. The group has a strong research interests in machine learning and deep learning, e.g., deep learning on irregular domain and adaptive learning.
We have strong research interests in medical image analysis, image segmentation, image registration, 3D pose estimation and tracking, object recognition, real-time processing, texture analysis, inspection, machine learning, and deep learning. We are also expanding our research on big data and mining, e.g., our current EPSRC grant on open data and data mining. We welcome talented, motivated people to join us to pursue research in the field of Computer Vision and Medical Image Understanding, and we are actively seeking collaborative opportunities across disciplines.
Research Opportunities
- PhD in Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Data Mining, and Medical Image Analysis.
- MSc by Research in Visual Computing – one-year research-only Master's programme.
- MRes in Visual Computing – one-year research-focused Master's programme (1/3 taught modules and 2/3 research project).

December 2024 - A warm welcome to Dr. Yilun Zhang, who is joining our group as a postdoc researchers in AI driven AI Computing. Yilun was previously with Kent University, studying for his PhD in computer science. Yilun will be working with Prof. Xie on a 5-year EPSRC funded project.

September 2024 - Together with many internal and external collaborators, our group successfully initiated and organised the inaugural edition of the AI in Healthcare conference. We welcomed delegates from 20 different countries. The conference featured a tutorial on generative deep models, 5 keynote speeches, and 2 panel presentations on translating AI Inyo practice. The full papers are published in Springer LNCS - more details can be found on the conference website.

February 2024 - We are part of the National Edge AI Hub for Real Data. This is part of a major investment of £100m by UKRI to boost AI research and transform innovations. Click here to the read the press release.

September 2023 - We are part of the team that has won the second place in the 5th Large-Scale Video Instance Segmentation Challenge (in conjunction with ICCV23).

September 2023 - Many congratulations to Michael Kenning on successfully defending his PhD viva. The external examiner is Dr. Yulia Hicks from Cardiff University. Michael's PhD work is on graph representation and graph deep learning.

May 2023 - We are seeking a Research Assistant in Computer Vision to work with Airbus on a generative AI project. Please find more details and to apply by the following this link.

May 2023 - A warm welcome to Charlie Bramble in anticipation of starting with us as a PhD student in October. After completing the Master's component of his Master's/PhD joint degree Charlie will be researching explainable deep models to empower economic growth, in partnership with HSBC.

April 2023 - A warm welcome to our new PhD student Nurhan Bulus Guran. Nurhan will be working on object detection and recognition.

February 2023 - A warm welcome to our new PhD student Fanzhi Jiang. His research focuses on person re-identification and its application in machine learning.

January 2023 - Dr. Lin Wu and Prof. Xianghua Xie secured funding from Airbus to carry out developing novel generative models for real-time anomaly detection in image sequences. The project is due to start from 01/03/2023 for 18 months. We warmly welcome researchers with PhD experience to apply for this position.

May 2022 - Many congratulations to Gavin Tsang for passing his PhD viva with minor corrections. His thesis is entitled 'Time-Series Embedded Feature Selection Using Deep Learning: Data Mining Electronic Health Records for Novel Biomarkers'. The external examiner was Dr. John Chiverton from University of Portsmouth.

March 2022 - Huge congratulations to Majedaldein Almahasne for passing PhD viva with minor corrections. His thesis is entitled 'Localisation in 3D Images using Cross-feature Correlation Learning'. The external examiner was Prof. Bogdan Matuszewski, UCLAN.

October 2021 - A warm welcome to our newest PhD student, Yiming Li. His research focuses on data privacy in deep learning.

July 2021 - Avishek Siris, Jianbo Jiao, Gary Tam, Xianghua Xie, Rynson Lau, Scene Context-Aware Salient Object Detection, International Conference on Computer Vision, Accepted, 2021.

May 2021 - A warm welcome to Fergus Pick in anticipation of his starting with us as a PhD student this October. Fergus has been in our department since last October studying the Master's component of his Master's–PhD joint degree.

February 2021 - A warm welcome to Floyd Hepburn-Dickins. He will be researching machine learning and computer vision in application to celestial navigation with funding from the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office.

February 2021 - Congratulations to Majedaldien Almahasneh, a PhD student in our research gropu, for winning the Best Paper Award at the 2021 International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods. His paper is entitled "Active region detection in multi-spectral solar images".

January 2021 - Our survey on deep learning and its theoretical challenges is published in IEEE Access. It is available for open access.

January 2021 - A warm welcome to our new student, Chen Hu. He will be researching the application of graph deep learning to face analysis for his MSc by Research.

October 2020 – A warm welcome to our sixth new PhD student this term, Luke Thomas. His work on geometric feature mining and deep learning for retrieval purposes will be conducted as part of the ESPRC CDT programme in Enhancing Human Interactions and Collaborations with Data and Intelligence-Driven Systems.

October 2020 – A warm welcome to our fourth new PhD student this term, Suraj Ramchand. His research on understanding the relevance of biomarkers in rare diseases with artificial intelligence will be conducted in collaboration with Amicus Therapeutics, as part of the ESPRC CDT programme in Enhancing Human Interactions and Collaborations with Data and Intelligence-Driven Systems.

May 2020 – Congratulations to Joseph Jenkins on passing his MRes viva with no corrections! His topic was on computer-vision techniques for detecting solar radio bursts. The external examiner was Prof. Dave Marshall from Cardiff University, with Dr. Mike Edwards as the internal examiner and Dr Gary Tam as chair.

February 2020 - Avishek Siris' paper "Inferring Attention Shift Ranks of Objects for Image Saliency" is accepted by CVPR 2020. The paper proposes the first saliency-rank dataset based on attention shift order, and a technique for saliency-rank prediction that outperforms three state-of-the-art techniques on the proposed dataset.

October 2019 - Congratulations to Katarzyna Szymaniak on passing her MRes viva! The title of her Master's thesis is "A Study of Decision Deadlocks using Electroencephalography and Machine Learning". She is now a postgraduate in the computer science department at Edinburgh University, where she is reading for her PhD.

July 2019 - Congratulations to our PhD student, Sachin Bahade, who received the Best Poster Prize at the 23rd Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis (MIUA) 2019.

Feb 2019 - Congratulations to Dr. David George on passing his viva voce examination. His PhD thesis is entitled "Feature-Driven Learning Techniques for 3D Shape Segmentation". The viva voce was examined by Dr. Taku Homura (Edinburgh) and Prof. Mark Jones.

Nov 2018 - A warm welcome back to David George. He rejoins our team as a post-doc following a PhD in 3D shape segmentation.

Oct 2018 - We have moved to our new building on the Bay Campus, where our new laboratories are equipped with state-of-the-art paraphernalia.

Oct 2018 - We welcome back Michael Kenning, who will now be reading for a PhD in Computer Science. He previously studied for an MRes in Visual Computing.

Oct 2018 - We welcome Katarzyna Szymaniak to the group. She will be reading for an MRes in Visual Computing under Jingjing Deng.

Aug 2018 - Paper accepted for publication in the Lancet: Mining Electronic Health Records to Identify Influential Predictors Associated with Hospitalisation of Dementia Patients: An Artificial Intelligence Approach.
July 2018 - Predictive Big Data Analytics for Human Health and Animal Wellbeing, SÊR CYMRU Cofund, £63,082.35, PI: Xie, 01/07/2018 - 30/06/2020.

Apr 2018 - We are awarded a NVIDIA GPU grant (£5K Quadro P6000 Graphics Card). The aim of this project is to integrate interactive segmentation method, the GPGPU boosted machine learning and graphics rendering techniques for 3D medical image analysis.

Dec 2017 - Our work on fully automatic segmentation of coronary arterial images, e.g., OCT and IVUS, is appearing in the Journal of Computer Vision and Image Understanding. The full paper can be accessed here: "Automatic segmentation of cross-sectional coronary arterial images"

Oct 2017 - Warm welcome to Mr. Michael Kenning, who is now studying MRes on the topic of deep learning in irregular domain. Michael obtained his first degree in Computer Science with honour from University of Bath.

Feb 2017 - Our recent work on novel deep learning techniques for face detection in the wild has been accepted by IEEE Face & Gesture. A preprint copy can be found here. See our publication page to find out more related work.

Oct 2016 - We welcome back Mr. Gavin Tsang, who is now studying PhD on the topic of Data Mining and Machine Learning for Health Informatics. Gavin is based in Computer Science but the project is a collaboration with College of Medicine.

Oct 2016 - Warm welcome to Mr. Paul Stroe, who is studying MSc by Research on Medical Image Analysis using Machine Learning. Paul obtained his first degree in Computer Science from University of Birmingham.

July 2016 - For the third time, we are hosting the BMVA Computer Vision Summer School this July. This is the 21st edition and CVSS is the longest running summer school in the field. This year's event features 16 speakers from both academia and industry, e.g., Microsoft.

May 2016 - Grant Capture: Data Release - Trust, Identity, Privacy and Security, funded by EPSRC. Dr. Xie is a CI on this project, which is a collaboration between Portsmouth Institute of Criminal Justice Studies and Swansea Computer Science. The project is concerned with the close integration of formal modelling, data mining, visual analytics and information security management in order to predict the impact of releasing public data sets that are essential to commercial functions and economy. Total FEC funding: £1.6M, 1 June 2016 - 30 November 2019.
EP/N028139/1 (Swansea), EP/N027825/1 (Portsmouth).

Dec 2015 - We are pleased to announce that CONVERSE dataset is publicly available. CONVERSE is a human interaction recognition dataset intended for the exploration of classifying naturally executed conversational scenarios between a pair of individuals via the use of pose- and appearance-based features. A in-depth survey of the current state of publicly available datasets to the action recognition community highlights several key layers in human action, from single person actions to multi-person interactions. Current depth-based datasets describe actions or interactions in which classes are often represented by a series of key poses which are readily identified in depth-based representations (e.g., kicks and punches). The motivation behind CONVERSE is to present the problem of classifying subtle and complex behaviours between participants with pose-based information, classes which are not easily defined by the poses they contain. Go to CONVERSE Page...

Jun 2015 - Congratulations to H. Zhang and X. Xie, whose paper titled Divergence of Gradient Convolution: Deformable Segmentation with Arbitrary Initializations has been accepted for publication with IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (T-IP). See more publications...

Dec 2014 - J.-L. Jones, X. Xie, and E. Essa, Combining Region-based and Imprecise Boundary-based Cues for Interactive Medical Image Segmentation, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 30, no. 12, pp. 1649–1666, 2014. See more publications...

September 2014 - The 26th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) will be hosted at Swansea University (Singleton campus), 7–10 September 2015. For more information, please click to visit the conference website and you can follow the conference on .

May 2014 - Congratulations to Ehab Essa who successfully defended his PhD viva with minor corrections. The thesis is titled "Combinatorial Optimisation for Arterial Image Segmentation".

Feb 2014 - S. Y. Yeo, X. Xie, I. Sazonov, and P. Nithiarasu, Segmentation of biomedical images using active contour model with robust image feature and shape prior, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 232–248, 2014. See more publications...

Jan 2014 - Welcome to Mr. Mike Edwards who started his PhD. Mike will be investigating novel techniques for the estimation of human pose and interactions from video sequences.

Oct 2013 - Welcome to Mr. Yaxi Ye who started his PhD. Yaxi will be investigating novel mobile computing techniques in order to improve the lives of those who suffer from neurodegenerative diseases.

Jun 2013 - R. Yang, M. Mirmehdi, X. Xie, and D. Hall, Shape and Appearance Priors for Level Set-based LV Segmentation, IET Journal of Computer Vision, vol. 7, no.3, pp. 170–183, 2013. See more publications...

Dec 2012 - R. Borgo et al., State of the Art Report on Video-based Graphics and Video Visualizations, Computer Graphics Forum, vol 31, no. 8, pages 2450–2477, 2012. See more publications...

Oct 2012, Welcome to Dr. Rhodri Bevan who joined the team as a post-doc Research Assistant. Rhodri's expertise is in computational modelling and he will be working on coronary disease modelling.

Oct 2012 - Welcome to Mr. Robert Palmer who started his PhD in Medical Image Analysis. Robert obtained his BSc in Physics (Aber) and MSc in Medical Physics (Swansea).

Sep 2012 - E. Essa and X. Xie presented two papers in MICCAI Medical Computer Vision which are titled Shape Prior Model for Media-Adventitia Border Segmentation in IVUS using Graph Cut and Efficient Geometrical Potential Force Computation for Deformable Model Segmentation. See more publications...

Jul 2012 - X. Xie was invited to give a seminar in Brain Interface Computing at the Welsh Intelligent Polymer Processing Consortium for Functional Applications. His talk is entitled "Computer Vision for Biology and Medicine".

Jul 2012 - X. Xie was invited to deliver a keynote presentation at the 8th Conference on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects. His keynote was titled "Deformable Model in Segmentation and Tracking". Unfortunately, due to unexpected VISA delay, the trip was cancelled. However, the slides are available to download from here, which were made available to delegates.

Mar 2012 - J. Chiverton, X. Xie, and M. Mirmehdi, Automatic Bootstrapping and Tracking of Object Contours, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (T-IP), volume 21, issue 3, pages 1231–1245, March 2012. See more publications...

Feb 2012 - X. Xie organised a special session on Shape Analysis and Deformable Modelling for the 1st International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods.

Dec 2011, Warm welcome to Dr. Huaizhong Zhang who joined the team as a RIVIC Research Assistant. Previously, Huaizhong was a post-doc researcher at Dublin.

Nov 2011 - X. Xie was invited to give a seminar at Cardiff University. His talk is entitled "Medical Image Processing".
Oct 2011 - Grant Capture: Biomedical Research Unit: Advanced Medical Image Analysis and Visualisation, Collaborator, led by Prof. John (Bangor University), funded by NISCHR, £275K to Swansea (£1.2M in total), 2011–2014.

Oct 2011, Welcome to Mr. Jingjing Deng who started his MSc by Research. Jingjing will be working on human interaction modelling.

Sep 2011 - B. Daubney and X. Xie, Entropy Driven Hierarchical Search for 3D Human Pose Estimation, In Proceedings of the 22nd British Machine Vision Conference, September 2011. The video of oral presentation (acceptance rate 8%). can be found from here . See more publications...

May 2011 - S. Yeo, X. Xie, I. Sazonov and P. Nithiarasu, Geometrically Induced Force Interaction for Three-Dimensional Deformable Models, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (T-IP), volume 20, number 5, pages 1373–1387, IEEE CS Press, May 2011. See more publications...
Mar 2011 - Grant Capture: Non-Invasive Quantification of Complex Heart Valve Lesions: A model-based approach using 3D echocardiography, Co-investigator, led by Dr. van Lool(Swansea University), funded by NISCHR, £58K, 2011–2014.

Jul 2010, Welcome to Mr. Ehab Essa who started his PhD in IVUS image segmentation. Previously, Ehab was an Assistant Lecturer in Egypt. His PhD is jointly funded by Computer Science and Engineering.
May 2010, Welcome to Dr. Cyril Charron who started his postdoc at Swansea University.
Mar 2010 - Grant Capture: NISCHR Registered Research Group: Medical Image Analysis and Visualisation, Co-investigator, led by Prof. Zwiggelaar (Aber University), funded by NISCHR, £95K, 2010 - 2013.
Mar 2010 - Grant Capture: Patient Specific Multi-view Coronary Geometry and Computational Disease Modelling, Principal investigator, funded by WORD, £144K, 2010–2012.

Nov 2009 - X. Xie was invited to give a seminar at the University of Southampton. His talk is entitled "Implicit Methods for Segmentation and Tracking".

Jan 2010 - Xianghua Xie, Active Contouring Based on Gradient Vector Interaction and Constrained Level Set Diffusion, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (T-IP), volume 19, number 1, pages 154–164, IEEE CS Press, January 2010. See more publications...

December 2024 - Many congratulations to Connor Clarkson for passing his PhD viva! Connor's PhD thesis is entitled "Human Interfaces with Machine Learning Recognition Systems". The two examiners were Prof. Bernie Tiddeman (Aberystwyth) and Dr. Yining Hua (Aberdeen).

December 2024 - Many congratulations to Suraj Ramchand for passing his PhD viva! Suraj's PhD thesis is on machine learning for rare disease diagnosis. Since submitting his PhD thesis, Suraj has been taking up a Postdoc position at Essex University.

December 2024 – Congratualtions to Stavros Georgousis, who successfully defended his EngD thesis. Stavros' work is on surface inspection for steel manufacturing and had been closely working with TaTa Steel for the past few years.

October 2024 - A warm welcome to Yue Yang, who is a joining our group as a PhD student from October 2024. Yue will be working on novel vision language models for robotics.

September 2023 - A warm welcome to Dr. Lu Zhang, who is joining our department and our research group as a Lecturer. Lu's research interests include deep learning and adversarial learning in various applications such as image processing, Cyber Security and Radar target detection.

May 2023 - A warm welcome to Matt Ploszajski who will be working with Amicus Therapeutics researching artificial intelligence to identify patients with Fabry disease. Matt will start as a PhD student in October after completing the Master's component of his Master's/PhD joint degree.

March 2023 - Many congratulations to Hanchi Ren for passing his PhD viva with minor corrections. His thesis is titled 'Gradient Leakage and Protection for Federated Learning". The external examiners were Prof. Bernie Tiddeman (Aberystwyth University) and Dr Yang Long (Durham University).

February 2023 - A warm welcome to Eman Alomari. Her PhD research is focused on biometrics and pattern recognition.

Oct 2022 - A warm welcome to Vasiles Balabanis, who is joining our group as a PhD student. Vas will be working on computational AI projects for neuroscience.

July 2022 - Huge congratulations to Felix Richards for passing his PhD viva with minor corrections. His thesis is entitled “Classification and Segmentation of Galactic Structures in Large Multi-spectral Images”. The external examiner was Dr. Frédéric Bouchara from Université de Toulon, France and the internal examiner is Dr. Su Yang.

May 2022 - Many congratulations to Avishek Siris who has successfully defended his PhD thesis, entitled '', subject to minor amendments. This a collaboration with Rynson (HK CityU) and led by Tam & Xie at Swansea. Some of the work has appeared in CVPR 2020 and ICCV 2021.

May 2022 - Our work on efficient matrix multiplication for neural network is accepted for publication in IEEE T-NNLS: Hassan Eshkiki , Benjamin Mora, and Xianghua Xie, Fully Connected Networks on a diet with the Mediterranean Matrix Multiplication, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, accepted, 2022.

November 2021 - A novel adaptive learning technique for interactive volumetric image segmentation accepted for publication in IEEE T-IP: J. Deng and X. Xie, "3D Interactive Segmentation With Semi-Implicit Representation and Active Learning," in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 30, pp. 9402-9417, 2021.

August 2021 - Shiyin Tan, Xiaoke Ma, Xianghua Xie, Xiaoxiong Zhong, Jingjing Deng, Joint multi-label learning and feature extraction for temporal link prediction, Pattern Recognition, Accepted, 2021

May 2021 - Ali Alqahtani, Xianghua Xie, Mark W. Jones, Ehab Essa, Pruning CNN filters via quantifying the importance of deep visual representations, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2021.

April 2021 - Congratulations to Ali Alqahtani on passing his viva voce with minor corrections. His thesis' title is "Deep Clustering and Deep Network Compression". The external examiner was Prof. Yonghuai Liu from EdgeHill University, the internal was Dr. Mike Edwards, and Dr. Ben Mora chaired the viva.

February 2021 - Many congratulations to Anastasia Paramore, who passed her Engineering Doctorate viva this week. Her thesis is on surface inspection for steel manufacturing.

January 2021 – A warm welcome to our newest PhD student, Ben Lloyd-Roberts. He is researching deep reinforcement learning for railway interlocking verification as part of his PhD in Enhancing Human Collaborations and Interactions with Data- and Intelligence-driven Systems.

October 2020 – A warm welcome to our fifth new PhD student this term, Connor Clarkson. He will be working on human interfaces with machine learning recognition systems in collaboration with Tata Steel as part of the ESPRC CDT programme in Enhancing Human Interactions and Collaborations with Data and Intelligence-Driven Systems.

October 2020 – A warm welcome to our third new PhD student this term, Sophie Sadler. Her research on visual analytics for explainable graph-based machine learning is conducted as part of the UKRI's AIMLAC-CDT.

October 2020 – A warm welcome to our second new PhD student this term, Yi Hu. Her research focuses on natural language processing and its applications in the financial and healthcare domains.

October 2020 – A warm welcome to our first new PhD student this term, Alex Milne. He joins us with a EPSRC-funded scholarship in collaboration with Tata Steel.
April 2020 - Congratulations to Taiwei Wang on passing his viva. The title of his thesis is "Consistent Correspondences for Shape and Image Problems". It was chaired by Dr. Ben Mora, and examined by Prof. Yonghuai Liu of Edge Hill University and Dr. Jingjing Deng.

Dec 2019 - Michael Edwards, Xianghua Xie, Robert Palmer, Gary Tam, Rob Alcock, Carl Roobottom, Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for Multi-Scale Feature Learning, Journal of Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), accepted 2019.

September 2019 - Xianghua Xie will be a Programme Co-Chair at the 30th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) 2019. The conference has received over 1000 submissions this year.

March 2019 - We welcome Dr. Ehab Essa as a postdoctoral research fellowship. He holds a Ŝer Cymru fellowship on Predictive Big Data Analytics for Human Health and Animal Wellbeing.

Jan 2019 - A warm welcome to Hanchi Ren. He joins us as a research assistant and PhD student, researching privacy-preserving deep learning.

Dec 2018 - Congratulations to Michael Kenning for passing his viva voce examination. His thesis is entitled "Generative Modelling in Non-Euclidean Domains". The viva voce was chaired by Dr. Benjamin Mora and examined by Dr. Dima Aldamen (Bristol) and Dr. Gary Tam. He will graduate as a Master of Research in Summer 2019.

Oct 2018 - We welcome Stavros Georgousis, who will be reading for an EngD in Computer Science. Stavros previously studied at Swansea as an MSc student.
Oct 2018 - We welcome Kévin Kheng to our group. He will be reading for a PhD in Computer Science.

Sep 2018 - Fraud Detection in Dual use of Goods using Explainable Machine Learning and Visual Analytics, InnovateUK funded project, £172,139.08. PI: Xie, 01/09/2018–30/11/2019.

Apr 2018 - Many congratulations to Dr. Mike Edwards, who passed his PhD viva. His PhD thesis is titled "Representation Learning in Irregular Domains". Prof. Reyer Zwiggelaar and Dr. Dima Damen are the external examiners. The viva is chaired by Dr. Adeline Paiement.

January 2018 - Check out our recent research on efficient deep learning for mesh processing, "3D Mesh Segmentation via Multi-branch 1D Convolutional Neural Networks David George", to appear in Journal of Graphical Models.

December 2017 - Congratulations to Dafydd Ravenscroft, who passed his MSc by Research viva. His thesis is titled "Deep Learning Methods for Texture Analysis in Medical Imaging".

September 2017 - Check out some interesting talks in this workshop we are organising: Deep Learning on Irregular Domains.

May 2017 - Many congratulations to Jingjing Deng who successfully defended his PhD thesis, titled "Adaptive Learning for Segmentation and Detection". The two external examiners are Prof. David Marshall from Cardiff University and Dr. Adrian Clark from Essex University. Dr. Deng has taken a postdoc position in the group, working on an EPSRC funded project on data mining.

Oct 2016 - Our warm welcome to Mr. Dafydd Ravenscroft, who is now studying MSc by Research with us. Daf will work on Robust Visual Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM). He will also be spending some time to wrap up his previous work on OCT for macular degeneration diagnosis.

Aug 2016 - Warm welcome to Mr. Ali Alqahtani, who is pursuing a PhD in Machine Learning and Visualisation.

Aug 2016 - Our warm welcome to Mr. Mohammed Ali, who is studying PhD in Scientific Visualisation. Mohammed's first supervisor is Prof. Mark Jones.

July 2016 - Congratulations to Dr. Robert Palmer! Robert successfully defended his PhD thesis on Automatic Deformable Modelling for 3D Medical Image Segmentation. We are looking forward to your graduation ceremony in February!

October 2015 - Congratulations to Jonathan Jones who successfully defended his PhD thesis on 2D and 3D Segmentation of Medical Images. Well done, Dr. Jones!

October 2015 - Welcome to Miss Anastasia Paramore who has joined our group as a DEng student (4-year doctorate degree). Her work is on surface inspection using machine learning.

October 2015 - Welcome to Mr. Taiwei Wang who is joining our group as an MSc by Research student (one year research only). Taiwei is working on 3D object segmentation and registration.

September 2015 - The 26th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) was successfully hosted in Swansea. It was the largest edition in BMVC history. We had record number of submissions (553), record number of papers (183; 41 oral), record number of delegates (331), and the largest workshop programmes. The conference proceedings can be found online (video recordings of oral presentation, including tutorial and keynotes, are being added to the site): BMVC 2015 Proceedings.

July 2015 - For the second time, we are hosting the BMVA Computer Vision Summer School this July. This is the 20th edition and CVSS is the longest running summer school in the field. This year's event features 17 speakers from both academia and industry, e.g., Microsoft.

May 2015 - Congratulations to Ehab Essa and Jonathan Jones, whose paper titled “Minimum s-Excess Graph for Segmenting and Tracking Multiple Borders with HMM” has been accepted for presentation for the MICCAI 2015 conference. MICCAI is the top conference in medical computing.

Oct 2014 - Welcome to Mr. David George who started his PhD. David will be investigating the co-segmentation of the collection of 3D shapes to increase the accuracy of the segmented regions of each shape.

July 2014 - BMVA Computer Vision Summer School 2014 is being hosted at Swansea from 30 June to 4 July 2014. A total of 67 delegates from 14 different countries (21 from outside UK) are attending the 19th edition of this summer school. 17 speakers from both academia and industry are delivering 19 lectures and 2 lab sessions. Click here to visit the summer school website.

May 2014 - J. Deng, X. Xie, and B. Daubney, A bag of words approach to subject specific 3D human pose interaction classification with random decision forests, Graphical Models, vol. 76, no. 3, pp. 162–171, 2014. See more publications...
March 2014 - Congratulations to Arron Lacey who successfully defended his MSc by Research thesis, titled "Supervised Machine Learning Techniques in Bioinformatics: Protein Classification".

Jan 2014 - A. Paiement, M. Mirmehdi, X. Xie, and M. Hamilton, Integrated Segmentation and Interpolation of Sparse Data, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, volume 23, issue 1, pages 110–125, January 2014. See more publications...
Aug 2013 - We are just setting up our new Biometric Lab with 3D/4D cameras from 3dMD, Point Grey Gazelle high speed cameras, Kinect and Canon EOS cameras. The equipment will be primarily used for 3D and 4D reconstruction experiments by Xianghua Xie and Gary Tam.

Apr 2013, Dr. Xianghua Xie has been elevated to Senior Member of IEEE since April 2013.

Apr 2013, Welcome to Mr. Jingjing Deng who started his PhD. Jingjing will be working on medical image analysis, especially on interactive segmentation.
Nov 2012, Congratulations to Jingjing Deng who successfully defended his MSc by Research viva. He became the first MSc by Research graduate from the department. His thesis is titled "Towards Human Interaction Modelling".

Oct 2012 - X. Xie joined the BMVA executive committee. The BMVA provides a national forum for individuals and organisations involved in machine vision, image processing, and pattern recognition in the United Kingdom.

Oct 2012 - X. Xie was invited to give a seminar in the Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing at University of Surrey. His talk is entitled "Deformable Objects".

Sep 2012 - Xianghua Xie et al., Image Gradient Based Level Set Methods in 2D and 3D, In Deformation Models, Edited by G. Hidalgo et al., Springer, September, 2012. See more publications...

Jul 2012 - Xianghua Xie, Editor, Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis, BMVA Press, July 2012. See more publications...

Jul 2012 - The 16th Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis (MIUA) was held at Swansea University between 9th and 11th July 2012. MIUA is the principal UK forum for communicating research progress within the community interested in image analysis applied to medicine and related biological science. It has been a successful series begun in Oxford in 1997. This edition featured 4 keynote speeches: Prof. Alison Noble (Oxford), Prof. Guang-Zhong Yang (Imperial), Prof. Daniel Alexander (UCL), Prof. Perumal Nithiarasu (Swansea), and a half day tutorial by Prof. Nikos Komodakis (Crete, Greece). Visit MIUA2012 website for more details and full proceedings.

Jan 2012 - X. Xie appointed as an Associated Editor of the IET Computer Vision journal. The vision of the journal is to publish the highest quality research work that is relevant and topical to the field, but not forgetting those works that aim to introduce new horizons and set the agenda for future avenues of research in Computer Vision.

Nov 2011, Warm welcome to Dr. Feng Zhao who joined the team as a post-doc Research Officer. Feng obtained his first degree in a top university in China and PhD from HongKong, and recently completed a post-doc position at Londonderry.

Oct 2011, Welcome to Mr. Jonathan Jones who started his PhD in Medical Image Segmentation. Jonathan is a first class master graduate from Swansea Computer Science.

Oct 2011, Welcome to Mr. Arron Lacey who started his MSc by Research. Arron obtained his first degree in Physics and MSc in Computer Science at Swansea.
Aug 2011, Si Yong Yeo completed his PhD, thesis titled "Implicit Deformable Models for Biomedical Image Segmentation"
Aug 2011, Ren Liu completed his MRes, thesis titled "Human Detection in Single Images"

Jun 2011 - Ben Daubney and Xianghua Xie, Tracking 3D Human Pose with Large Root Node Uncertainty, In Proceedings of the 24th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2011. See more publications...

Apr 2011 - X. Xie chaired and organised a half day session on "Imaging, Segmentation and Meshing" for the EPSRC Network Meeting on Patient-Specific Meeting. Invited speakers include Prof. Stephen Daniels (Cardiff), Prof. Oubay Hassan (Swansea), Prof. Peter Hoskin (Edinburgh), Prof. Majid Mirmehdi (Bristol), Prof. Sebastien Ourselin (UCL), and Prof. Tudor Griffith (Cardiff).

Feb 2011 - Xianghua Xie and Majid Mirmehdi, Radial Basis Function based Level Set Interpolation and Evolution for Deformable Modelling, Image and Vision Computing, volume 29, issues 2–3, 167–177, February 2011. See more publications...
Jun 2010, Welcome to Dr. Dongbin Chen who started his postdoc at Swansea University.

Apr 2010 - X. Xie acted as an co-chair of the RIVIC Visual Computing Graduate School 2010.

Jun 2009 - Grant Capture: Wales Research Institute on Visual Computing (RIVIC), Dr X. Xie is leading a sub-programme on 3D Vision and Medical Image Analysis. RIVIC attracts £5M funding from WAG, 2009–2013.