To access the CONVERSE dataset please carefully read the usage terms below and mark each checkbox as accepted.
The researcher(s) agrees to the following restrictions on the Swansea University CONVERSE dataset:
- Usage of the CONVERSE dataset is limited to non-commercial research and education purposes only. Where users are employed by a for-profit commercial organisation, the user’s employer shall also be bound by the provided terms of usage. The user herein represents that he/she is authorised to enter into this agreement on behalf of their employer.
- CONVERSE is provided "as is". The curators provides no express or implied warranties; including, and without limitation to, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
- Usage of this dataset is at the full responsibility of the user; indemnifying Swansea University, it’s employees, trustees, officers and agents of any and all claims resulting from the use of CONVERSE.
- Each individual user, including those from the same affiliations, which requires access to the CONVERSE dataset, is required to register an account and agree to the terms of usage outlined.
- CONVERSE shall not be redistributed/copied/republished, in whole or part, in original or modified formats without the express permission of the curators.
- In no case may the dataset be utilised in a manner that could negatively impact on the original participating subjects who provided the data, either through embarrassment or mental anguish.
- The curators reserve the right to withdraw access to the CONVERSE dataset at any time without any prior notice.
- When results are reported using the CONVERSE dataset, a copy of the finalised article is to be forwarded to the curators upon release or publication.
- When reporting results on the CONVERSE dataset users agree to cite the corresponding publication:
M. Edwards, J. Deng, and X. Xie, “From pose to activity: Surveying datasets and introducing converse”, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, vol. 144, pages 73–105, March 2016, Special Issue on Individual and Group Activities in Video Event Analysis.
author={Edwards, M. and Deng, J. and Xie, X.},
title={From pose to activity: Surveying datasets and introducing {CONVERSE}},
journal={Computer Vision and Image Understanding},
pages={73 - 105},
note={Special Issue on Individual and Group Activities in Video Event Analysis}